Jake Norris: BSD Mixtape
Photos provided by Dave Sowerby at BSD, words by Jake Norris & Mike V
Forever lords with high quality BMX media, BSD have once again dropped jaws all around the globe with their latest offering, simply titled, 'BSD Mixtape'.
A full-length team video filmed in Glasgow, Barcelona, Budapest, Tenerife and Cyprus, involving the majority of the crew through the likes of Alex Donnachie, Denim Cox, Sam Jones, Joe Foley, Antonio Smallwood, Thomas Roulston and Grant Yoobie. You know whoe else featured in this project? None other than LUXBMX pro, Jake Norris.
It must have been around the time of the 2023 Source Jam (September) that Norris was on a plane to the UK, hanging around after the event to spend some time filming with the BSD boys - the details of which were unknown. Fast forward 9 months and all has been revealed, another Dave Sowerby masterpiece and another addition to the incredible portfolio of BSD productions.

"If I was going any faster I would have been having my teeth for lunch."
While the full video is worth your unwavering attention, today we narrow in and focus on 3 x particular clips, each attributed to Norris and each improved with commentary from the dude himself. The aim being to give you a detailed and highly personal insight into the efforts and psyche of Jake as he sends himself on Spanish soil.
Friends, read on to find out what was going through the mind of Jake Norris as he handles business in Spain. You've done the nation proud bro!
CLIP #1 - Switch Hanger (28.45)

"I think on this day we woke up, got our shit together, hopped on a train and went somewhere. Honestly not entirely sure where we were on this day but this was in Barcelona.
This one was scary. We rolled up to this spot and instantly Tam was eyeing up the kinked rail next to this one. At the same time I was scoping this rail out. I wasn’t sure if I’d want to try it. It has a sketchy run in that’s all bumpy with a sharp right hand turn into it.
Tam decided to give the kinked rail a hit so I took a seat with the boys and watched the big Tamo show. He handled it within a few tries. That’s what got me keen to give it a rip.
As I sat at the top for a moment thinking about it, Dave set up his gear. I think I sat up the top on my bike for a good 10 mins before the first attempt. On my first try I just went straight for it. I accidentally smithed the rail but blew my feet off at the bottom and broke my pedal. Lucky for me, the legend Grant Smith was with us and had a spare pair of BSD safari pedals in his bag. I changed out my pedals, ran back up the set, jumped on my bike, turned around, went for it and it worked. Again, I had to hold on for life!
The rail was quite slippery so my back wheel dropped way further than I thought it would. Glad I managed to hold on though because I didn’t wanna go back and do it again. Celebrated with a few green cans after this one."
CLIP #2 - Outledge Feeble to Truck (28.27)

"Feeble to truck is something I find somewhat comfortable and this was just the perfect spot for it. The ledge is long which makes it pretty scary but I knew with the height it would work, as long as I just held onto it.
This spot was up in the hills in Badalona, Spain. I’ve seen the spot in videos but had never been there before. As soon as we rolled into the square, I instantly got toey to try something on it.
Dave set up his stuff and we ripped right into trying it. I think I feebled it maybe once. The next couple tries I did the 360 and crashed it once or twice because of my front wheel getting caught up on the top of the ledge. I think it was possibly the 5th try I gave it a little more speed. Got onto the feeble, threw the truck and rolled away. Just held onto er!"
CLIP #3 - Kinker Gap to Tooth Hang (29.21)

"Spirits were pretty high this day as I picked up my emergency passport that morning after mine was stolen. With all that stress off my shoulders, I was keen to head out with the boys to get some filming done.
We rolled into the spot I think the night before so it was something I thought I’d maybe like to try. It was just around the corner from the opposite hanger rail so after we filmed that we went over to this spot.
Still pumped from filming the hanger, I was toey to go right for this one. Again, Dave set up his stuff and we went for it. I maybe jumped down the set twice before sending the hanger, luckily enough it worked out. I was hyped with this one! I literally just made the rail by a few inches. If I was going any faster I would have been having my teeth for lunch. This day was a highlight of the trip for sure. We shotgunned a couple green cans after this one.
I can’t thank Grant and Dave enough for getting me out to Barcelona to film for this video. BSD FOREVER!"

As mentioned, this is one not to be missed, each part is worthy of your complete attention.
Don't be a fool, watch this thing on the big screen, invite some mates around and put your phone down for pete's sake. These boys went hard, seriously hard and it is important to return the favour - at the very minimum by not being distracted.