Guard VS Non-Guard
If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past 10 years you would have noticed many brands offering a guard to protect your teeth on your sprocket. These guards aren’t a new thing in BMX but have dramatically improved in recent years. Guarded sprockets aren’t offered by all companies, however, companies with more of a street image have dived into this niche.
How Many Teeth?
The number of teeth you have on your sprocket changes the way your bike will ride. The ratio between your front sprocket and rear driver will change the way your bike feels when you pedal. The closer the size of the driver and sprocket to matching the easier it will be to pedal but the more cranks required to gain speed. At the polar end of the spectrum the greater the difference between the front and rear the harder it...
⅛ VS 3/32
When talking sprockets the term ⅛ and 3/32 refers to the thickness of the sprocket where the chain bites to the teeth. ⅛ Inch (0.125", 3.18 mm) are used on most single-speed bikes including BMX and bicycles with internal gearing. 3/32" (0.094", 2.30 mm) chain is used on derailer equipped bicycles that have more than 3 cogs at the rear. The majority of BMX brand sprockets that you will buy for your freestyle BMX bike will be ½ inch.
BMX Sprockets start as low as $18 and can cost as much as $160, at the cheaper end of this are the alloy, beginner end sprockets. These cheaper sprockets aren’t terrible in quality but off a lower level of quality than a $160 guarded sprocket. Being the driving force of your bike your sprocket needs to be reliable and so when thinking about choosing the right sprocket for your ride take some of the above points into consideration to make...