Prepare for battle! Man your stations! The burly Wethepeople Battleship Bike rigs are ready to destroy whatever lies in front of them! Built super tough with hydro formed gussets on the full 4130 Chromoly WethePeople Battleship Frame- which looks absolutely beautiful, an Eclat Domain Top Load Stem, Eclat Wave Headset, Eclat Centric Pedals, Eclat Elevate Sprocket with a bash guard, Wethepeople Logic Cranks, Eclat Decoder Tyres - these rigs are ready for the streets! To be blown away even further check out the specifications tab for a full list of all of the insane parts included on this super special bike!
Wethepeople Battleship 20 Inch BMX Bike
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Wethepeople Battleship 20 Inch BMX Bike / Abyss Blue / 20.75TT / Right Hand Drive
$1,989.99 AUD
Regular priceRRP:
$1,999.99 AUD