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BMX Helmets - The Complete Guide

LUXBMX has experienced a hive of recent activity in our BMX helmet range, including a bunch of new arrivals as well as some classic moulds having been significantly reduced at sale prices. It then seemed like a perfect opportunity to highlight the value of wearing a BMX helmet, focussed around a number of BMX professionals (young and old) who swear by the practice. The days of helmets being stigmatised and shamed is done, helmets are now lighter, stronger, aesthetically pleasing and most importantly, recognised for their critical role in protecting your number one asset - your head. 

At LUXBMX, we recognise that safety is key for a long lasting BMX experience and as riders ourselves, we only stock Australian Standard (AS) certified, tried and tested products that we personally use. On the back of this, there has been a recent drop of the best BMX helmet brands on the LUXBMX online store, including the AS certified Protec ‘Old School’ helmet as well as a tonne of S-One helmets at super affordable prices. Keep reading to find out more about these incredible products, easily the best BMX helmets in Australia. 

As background to the LUXBMX range, there are several types of BMX helmets available, including full-face BMX helmets, which provide the most protection for the face and chin; open-face BMX helmets, which offer less protection but are more breathable; and full-cut helmets, which are a hybrid of the full-face and open-face styles. Some BMX helmets are specifically designed for racing (full face), while others are tailored to the freestyle BMX experience. 

A cut from the LUXBMX online store demonstrating the different styles of BMX helmets. From left to right, full-cut, full-face and open-face BMX helmets

So should you wear a helmet on a BMX? The answer is yes, always yes. Wearing a BMX helmet when biking is important for several reasons:

  • Protection from head injuries
  • Comfort and convenience
  • Setting an example for other BMX bikers
  • Improve your confidence and thus abilities
  • Compliance with safety regulations.

Beyond the expert advice of the LUXBMX crew, it was considered helpful to turn the attention on a few BMX professionals who are passionate about wearing helmets. For good or bad, seeing someone you admire and respect setting an example will often be the most influential factor. In building on this, let us focus on some of the most badass BMX bikers around who all swear by BMX helmets. 

While there are many bikers who do not wear a BMX helmet, there is alternatively a growing community who live and breathe by the positive force of the BMX helmet. Leading this community for good reason is the ‘Blue Falcon’, otherwise known as Brian Foster (BF). With the grace, devotion and power of an impala, I challenge you to find a biker who doesn’t respect the man. With 50 years to his name, 44 of which having been spent riding BMX, BF has won multiple championships whilst a professional racer, found himself on the cover of multiple BMX magazines, scooped an X-Games gold in dirt jumping, created some of the most iconic video parts of all time, been on multiple Props BMX trips, lauded as a USA BMX hall of fame inductee and is the subject of a full length documentary around his career in BMX. 

BF with that determination, supported by a solid looking full-cut style BMX helmet

BF in action, clicked turndown into a hefty sized bowl. Probably smart to be sporting a BMX helmet, this time an open-cut style

BF has literally done it all, a force to be reckoned with, a massive influence to the modern BMX landscape and to top it off, still shreds to this day. And you know what, BF continues to do this with the aid of a BMX helmet. Perhaps it was the influence of his racing days (in which BMX helmets are obligatory) or perhaps it is a response to the many, many injuries BF has sustained in 4 x decades of biking. At the end of the day, wearing a BMX helmet is a personal choice, however, it is interesting to understand the train of thought. In a 2012 DIG BMX legends interview, BF talks about many topics, including his longevity and when it might be time to call it quits - responding with:

“I think I’ll know; it’ll feel weird. I remember I was eighteen or nineteen at a club and there’s this balding forty year-old dude buying girls drinks, and it’s like, “what’s he doing?” It’s also like the twenty year-old kid on the scooter. But I don’t think I’ll ever feel weird in the woods, riding trails. The trails are a good place to retire. If I go MIA, I’ll probably be in the woods, cut-off jeans, no shirt, and a helmet.”

From our perspective, BF has hit the nail on the head with the longevity aspect, and is the perfect symbol to represent this mantra. If you want to keep riding bikes and taking the risks that come with it, you would be well served to sport a BMX helmet. Another couple of legendary bikers who value longevity and back it with the use of a BMX helmet are Gary Young, Morgan Wade, Ruben Alcantara, Joe Rich and Van Homan. I’m sure you might have heard of a few of ‘em! 

Influenced by the abovementioned legends are a crop of modern professional bikers, each aided by the benefits of a BMX helmet. Add to this list all round killer Dennis Enarson, underground pool lord Dean Dickinson and street-tech god Erik Elstran. 

Erik Elstran making two things look incredibly good, a classic table and an open-cut style BMX helmet

Another rider to add to this list is Connor Lodes, while not so prominent in output these days, Connor was part of the insane Markit BMX crew, rode for Premium, Demolition and even had a signature Kink frame. For as long as we can remember, Connor has always worn a helmet and through deeper investigation, comes as a response to a profound head injury. After misjudging a rail gap, Connor fell to his head in a cartwheel style fall and ended up with brain bleeding. In a 2014 DIG BMX interview, when asked about what people think of him wearing a helmet, Connor explains:

“People ask me why I wear it and I say I cracked my skull and have bleeding in my brain and don’t want to feel that again and they fully understand. People have said stuff in comments or shit like that, but it’s just stupid kids on the internet, you know? That helmet has saved me so many times. I hit my head four days ago, it was kind of a bad one, I had to sit down and take a couple days off. If I didn’t have my helmet on I would have been dead. There’s so many times I would have been dead.”

Multiple Connor's, multiple helmets, good on all fronts

While it might seem like the kind of situation that happens to someone else, if you’re taking risks on your bike, falling on your head can literally happen at any moment. It is acknowledged as being of a low likelihood, nonetheless it is a possibility and one which can be easily prevented through a BMX helmet. 

Bringing things closer to home in the form of a big risk taker - a calculated risk taker, is LUXBMX pro Boyd Hilder. Having worn a helmet since a young buck, Boyd is a prominent figure in the helmet wearing BMX biker world, unperturbed and keenly focussed. In speaking with Boyd for this article, the practice of compulsory helmet wearing through BMX racing (and a caring, responsible mother) kick-started the habit, which remains strong to this day. Interestingly, Boyd talks about the influence of Dennis Enarson and the aforementioned Connor Lodes in his formative years as a big reason behind the decision to sport a BMX helmet. Pretty cool to see the circle of influence in practice, imagine all the kids glued to Boyd who have now made the choice to wear a BMX helmet. 

Boyd, euro flavoured nose to toboggan with what looks like serious speed. Again, the dude makes wearing a BMX helmet look rad

Young Mr Hilder even finds himself backed by S-One helmets as a BMX sponsor, strapping in with the S-One ‘Lifer’ helmet. Take a peek at Boyd shredding a local Brisbane DIY spot with the support of a BMX helmet below and read a mini-interview with Boyd from the S-One website. 


Speaking of S-One BMX helmets, LUXBMX is currently well-stocked with a huge range of ‘Lifer’ helmets in a range of colours (matte black, tie-dye, silver and bright green) and sizes including the mega, mini and regular models. You’d also be stoked to know that the bulk of these items are priced below $100, being a very cheap and very accessible way to protect your head and look good doing so. As Boyd testifies, the S-One BMX helmet range includes some of the best fitting and safest BMX helmets available, offering an innovative product which combines the safety of a certified helmet with the comfort and appeal of a non-certified helmet. The specially formulated ‘EPS Fusion Foam’ means your head is protected from multiple low force impacts as well as the undesired higher impacts. 

Another incredible BMX helmet sitting pretty in the LUXBMX online store is the new Australian standards approved Protec ‘Old School’ helmet, the perfect companion for protecting your head whilst incorporating an old school shape with the embrace of modern technology. Coming in gloss white and marked down from $119.99 to an incredibly affordable $99.99, the Protec ‘Old School’ helmet features a high-impact ABS shell, heat sealed liner as well as encouraging maximum airflow through 11 vents. Taking influence from the classic ‘Bucky Lasek’ design, the Protec ‘Old School’ helmet is manufactured to mould your head for a convenient and rigid (yet comfortable) fit while appearing as the industry leader in terms of aesthetics. 

Beyond the Protec ‘Old School’ helmet, LUXBMX also stock the biggest range of BMX (freestyle and race) helmets for sale, including full-face, full-cut and open-face designs. This includes an expansive range of Protec, S-One, DRS, 100% Status and Shadow Conspiracy products, each item subject to stringent certification requirements for maximum safety. 

Acknowledging the huge range of helmets and the questions you might have as to what is the best BMX helmet in Australia, LUXBMX are here to help. In response, our crew have put together a BMX helmet buyers guide which talks you through sizing, shape/fit, certification and price. Why not take the confusion and uncertainty out of the decision-making process with the help of the BMX helmet buyers guide. 

As another resource in assisting you to navigate the best BMX helmet brands on the market, the following is offered as a frequently asked question (FAQ) platform. Read on to better understand the ins and outs of the best BMX helmets. 

Should you wear a helmet on a BMX?

Yes. A BMX helmet is designed to protect your head from both short term and long term impacts, benefitting your wellbeing and prolonging the time you can ride a BMX. In understanding the risks associated with BMX, it is common sense to wear a BMX helmet and with the range of quality products available, the reasons to not wear a BMX helmet are no longer relevant. Beyond protection and setting a good example for other bikers, wearing a certified BMX helmet is a requirement under Queensland law. There is nothing worse than cruising the streets with your mates when a cop pulls you over and decides to write a ticket and ruin your day. Avoid a nasty head injury and/or a fine and pop on a BMX helmet. 

For more information on bike helmet legislation, take a read from the source, the 'bicycle road rules and safety' page from the QLD Government.  

Why are BMX helmets different?

BMX helmets are different to other styles of bicycle helmets, including motocross, mountain bike and road cycling. BMX helmets are designed with the requirements of a BMX rider in mind, which means maintaining a slightly different cut and style which is ultimately a middle ground between a road cycling helmet and a motocross helmet. A BMX helmet offers a fuller cut to the traditional cycling helmet to ensure more of the head is protected without being disproportionate to the needs of a BMX biker (i.e. heavy, expensive, uncomfortable and breezy). A BMX helmet is also a tighter fit. 

However, it would also be appropriate to ride with a more heavy duty helmet, this would simply need to be balanced against your stature, skills and budget. For example, if you’re to watch a professional BMX freestyle (stadium level) event, there would no doubt be multiple riders wearing a full face motocross style helmet. 

The 100% Status full-face BMX race helmet, front on view

How does a helmet protect you?

Typically, a BMX helmet comprises a shiny plastic case over a thick layer of Expanded Plystyrene (EPS) foam, which is the same stuff you might find in the box containing a new BMX bike. A strap on either side can then be locked underneath your chin. This is the basic mechanism around a BMX helmet. When suffering a blow from falling or being hit in the head with an object or person, the case is designed to break which then distributes the force of the blow across the entire helmet surface. At this point, the EPS foam compresses and absorbs the majority of the shock, limiting the damage to your skull. 

Depending on the style of BMX helmet, there may also be protection for your face through there being a physical barrier between your face and the assaulting surface or object. 

How safe are BMX helmets?

BMX helmets are required to meet various, rigorous standards, generally depending on your location. From an Australian perspective, this standard is known as AS/NZS 2063:2020 which is a mandatory requirement that all suppliers must meet. In meeting this standard, a BMX helmet must tick various boxes through testing for construction, design, performance, marking and safe use instructions. The purpose of this standard is to ensure safety. Thankfully so, this then leads to a decrease in risk around head, brain and facial injury by up to 85%. If you buy a BMX helmet from the LUXBMX range, you are buying a product which meets these required safety standards. 

The Protec full-cut certified BMX helmet in gloss pink, angled view from the rear

What is the best BMX helmet?

The best BMX helmet is the one that is right for you. The crew at LUXBMX understands that it may not be an easy decision to make, so we created a BMX helmet buyers guide as well as this article focussed on simplifying the decision making process. As a starting point, you would need to weigh up your budget, your skill level, your appetite for risk and where you intend to ride your bike. Balancing the answer to these queries will lead you in the right direction. From this point, it is suggested that you come in-store and chat to one of the friendly staff members at LUXBMX. We would love to help you out in person. 

How should a BMX helmet fit?

A critical factor in choosing the best BMX helmet to suit your needs is making sure it is the right fit. In terms of the LUXBMX range, helmet sizing is standardised across all brands to ensure ease for customers and is structured from XS up to XL with associated measurements that relate to head circumference. For example, a medium sized BMX helmet comes with a head circumference range of 55-59cm. This will help to guide you in the right direction. From here, the test should be ensuring that the product fits snug all the way around your head without causing discomfort. When shaking your head, the BMX helmet should remain in place. It should also be noted that there is flexibility in terms of the adjustable strap and that most BMX helmets comprise removable inserts which can tighten or loosen the fit. 

It is recommended that when purchasing a BMX helmet for the first time, trying a product in-person would be preferable. 

The Shadow Conspiracy Classic BMX helmet in gloss white, angled frontage view

How much does a BMX helmet cost?

The cost of a BMX helmet will vary depending on a range of factors such as the style of cut and quality. With reference to the LUXBMX protective gear range, there are different helmets for different budgets. As a guide, at the most affordable end of the spectrum, there is a selection of open face style BMX helmets at $39.99 leading up to mid-level open face style BMX helmets for $89.99. From this point, you can find yourself with a top quality full-cut style BMX helmet at $129.99 and for the BMX racer, a full-face BMX helmet for $299.99. At the end of the day, spending money on a quality BMX helmet should be an easy decision, you only get one head. 

Take a look at the LUXBMX online store to find the best BMX helmets in Australia including a huge range of BMX helmets for sale. 

How long does a BMX helmet last?

The life of a BMX helmet will vary depending on the individual product. As a general guide, BMX helmets are designed to last 3-5 years, providing that there are no significant impacts to the head. If you fall and strike your BMX helmet, it is recommended that the product be replaced as the integrity of the shock absorbing mechanism may be compromised. As part of the due diligence process, it is important to check each manufacturer's specifications. For example, LUXBMX stocks a huge range of S-One helmets, to which the associated website outlines that if you take a fall with damage equal to a 14 mph impact (which is a 6.5-foot drop height) your helmet has been compromised and it should be replaced.

Strap in and stay around my friends.